Visit Imnaha, Oregon
Breathtaking Canyonlands
Rugged Imnaha Country & Hat Point!
From Enterprise take Hwy 82 to Joseph, Oregon. After you enter Joseph, look for the junction with the Imnaha Highway. (State Hwy 350) and signs indicating Imnaha/Halfway. There is a Chevron gas station located at this junction. Turn left (east) onto the Imnaha Highway (350).
Over the next 30 miles, you will gradually descend over 2200' into the Imnaha River Canyon. This country is very different than the Wallowas. You will enter a zone of high grasslands, rock cliffs, and mountain valleys. The Imnaha area was historically an important wintering site for the Nez Perce and their herds of horses. Later, cattlemen took advantage of the warmer environment of the Canyon to graze their herds.

Once you enter the quaint little town of Imnaha you will find the Imnaha Store and Tavern. Can’t miss it! Meals and snacks are available there. A visit to this store will take you on a journey back in time. Another surprise in the heart of this rugged Imnaha country is the Imnaha Motel 3 and RV Park just past the Imnaha Store.
To continue on towards the Hat Point Overlook, drive past the Imnaha Store & Tavern to FS road 4240. Once you start up the 4240 road you will experience a single-lane gravel road with turnouts. The lookout is 23.4 miles from Imnaha. This route is suitable for passenger cars with some clearance, however RV's will find the road very steep for the first 6 miles (16% grade) and very difficult to turn around.
The first official view point is Granny View on FS road 4240. This view point is 16.5 miles from the town of Imnaha. The views along the entire drive are stunning. Be sure to bring your camera and lunch.
Once you reach the Hat Point Overlook you will find picnic tables, restroom facilities, and the lookout tower. From Hat Point, you can look down into Hells Canyon (over a mile) and see the Snake River and view the Seven Devil Mountains across the Snake River into Idaho. To return to Enterprise retrace your route. Allow 3/4 of a day for this drive. There are no services for automobiles or fuel beyond Joseph.